concierge house
Agencje Nieruchomości Warszawa - Ranking

Real Estate Agencies Warsaw - Ranking.

Hi, today I'll talk about the Warsaw Real Estate Agencies Ranking. What is the ranking at all, who creates it and on what basis?

Definition of the Ranking according to Wikipedia: Ranking – classification in the order of numerical values, assigned according to specific criteria. The press often publishes rankings of various institutions, schools, offices, companies, etc. according to the adopted evaluation criteria. The lists containing synthetic data in a single list can be of great help, e.g. in choosing a university or in economic trend analysis. In the Polish press, social-political rankings have been regularly published by the Rzeczpospolita daily and the Polityka and Wprost weekly magazines for several years.

More precisely, “Real Estate Agencies Warsaw – ranking” can be created by any private person, company or enterprise. In this case, it is not a reliable source that we can suggest. Why? Many portals provide rankings of real estate agencies in Warsaw, but in none of the available rankings we have information on what basis it was created and according to what criteria, which unfortunately is not a solid basis for choosing a real estate agency.

Even if there was a reliable ranking of real estate agencies in Warsaw, it would not have to be a good hint for us, for one simple reason – each of us has different requirements for the agency, and not every agency accepts all apartments. Many companies operate in a specific segment.

So how can we find the best Real Estate Agency for us?

Jak większość ludzi, najczęściej

Like most people, most often we type the phrase we are interested in into Google and then we do research. However, not everyone knows what to suggest when choosing the best Real Estate Agency for us.

But maybe we should start from the beginning… It’s a very good idea to get knowledge from our friends or family.

What if nobody around us has such knowledge?

By typing in the search engine “Warsaw Real Estate Agencies -ranking” – many agencies will jump out, the first will be the agencies that best position themselves in Google ADS (Google advertising system that allows you to display sponsored links in the search results of the Google search engine and on the sites cooperating within the Google AdSense program) So it is worth looking also further and do a proper verification. It may take us a while, but we don’t sell the apartment, house or plot every day, and a good agency and intermediary is a success of effective sales 🙂

After choosing several agencies – the first step should be to verify the company in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG – entrepreneurs being natural persons) or in the National Court Register (KRS – Register of Entrepreneurs). The data in the KRS search engine shows us that the entity that we have searched for has met the requirements set by law and we are able to check all the data concerning the company. We can also find out about the entrepreneur’s arrears and claims and on this basis draw conclusions whether the Agency is worthy of attention. And through CEIDG we can check whether the activity has been registered and is not suspended.

Additional information about the company is to follow the opinions about the company on many levels, i.e. Google search engine, various Internet forums, Facebook.

It is worth comparing flattering opinions to negative ones. As we know, each of us is different and has completely different requirements. There are people who are not even able to be convenient, and there are also people who are completely undemanding. When analyzing the opinions, it is worth seeing whether certain issues are not repeated, whether the mentioned Katarzyna, who works for company X and her arrogance to the client is repeated in many comments or only in one (as we know, each subjectively feels different emotions and signals from other people). However, it is not only in case of negative opinions that the red light should be lit. Many times positive opinions are written by employees or companies that deal with it. I have seen a lot of flattering opinions, which were unnatural. My way to verify such comments is to check the person who issued them. The most reliable source is Google or Facebook opinions. We have the opportunity to check the profile of such a person and their activity on the Internet.

With each subsequent cooperation with different companies I learn to be more reliable in checking opinions. We are just people and we usually approach a new person with confidence and believe that he wants our good, but the world is not just strewn with roses – it can be how we will approach many collaborations with greater commitment.

I already have a suitable Real Estate Agency, what next?

Okay, I found the Concierge House Agency, it is a company – (which you can read on their website, so they have to be in the National Court Register by analogy). I check all necessary data. Everything is fine, the next step that I do is to check the opinion. I start with Google, I scan all internet forums with every mention of the company and Facebook. The opinions are great, both in Google and on Facebook.
The next step that I do is a thorough analysis of various offers. I mean the description and how the photos are taken, whether they are encouraging enough and whether the interior is nicely shown. If the photos meet our requirements, we read the description – it should be consistent, present the most important information that is necessary to get acquainted with the offer, i.e. a description of the location, exact parameters of the property, e.g. price, area, year of construction, floor; maintenance costs of the property, form of ownership, technical condition, layout, finishing standard, description of the associated rooms, e.g. garage, basement, etc. An additional advantage is the fact that the Agency operates on different channels to reach the client, which is also YouTube. It is worth checking the social media to see if they are being supplemented on an ongoing basis.
If everything is without reservations, then we go to the bookmark “about us” and the bookmark which tells us what benefits the cooperation with the office gives us. The same applies to the Concierge House website – “what makes us different”.

If the content in all the tabs is satisfactory for us, we move on to choosing an agent.

It is important that the agents, and above all the owner, have the appropriate qualifications confirmed by the license. This is not a requirement, however, cooperation with an office where the owner and employees have written confirmation of experience and knowledge of their profession is certainly a great advantage and confirmation that people who have the appropriate knowledge of the position work there.

After choosing the agent who has earned us the greatest trust, we contact you to make an appointment. Nothing will tell us so much about another person as direct contact.

Okay, we are in a meeting with a given agent and how to draw conclusions if it is really the right person?
Surely it must inspire our trust – unless we are people who are distrustful by nature (then it is worth taking a person close to us to the meeting so that they can look at the Agent with more objectivity).

We are in a meeting, the Agent inspires our confidence, what should we hear from him or ask him about?

A competent person should tell us what actions he or she will take and how he or she will encourage as many clients as possible. How will he secure the transaction legally, ask for documents/information to verify your property. The appraisal of the property is also on the Agent’s side, however, remember that such information should never be sucked out of your finger and needs to be thoroughly analyzed after a thorough examination of the property.
An important aspect is the work of the agent on an exclusive contract – a contract for which only one agency takes total responsibility, investing money, time and commitment to sell your property as soon as possible. Thanks to this we can find out if the agency does not accept offers for its “portfolio” on a mass scale, and it is reliable to approach the sale with great commitment. At the same time it saves your time. Although physical liability insurance is a standard in every agency, it is worth asking the intermediary if the agency has a current insurance that is responsible for damages caused by the agency employee.
In conclusion, a moment of research and good analysis can save us many wasted hours and stress. At the same time, we can guarantee full, professional cooperation with our agents confirmed by many recommendations from our clients.

We invite you to cooperation 🙂

Agent Nieruchomości

Chciałbyś/chciałabyś pracować w Agencji Nieruchomości Concierge House, w miejscu pracy, w którym ludzie są wzajemnie życzliwi ? W miejscu, w którym pomoc drugiej osobie jest na porządku dziennym, a wyścig szczurów i ogromny nacisk na sprzedaż nie jest akceptowalne? Dbamy o dobre kontakty z klientami i przede wszystkim ich interes – wierzymy, że to jest jedyna droga do sukcesu oraz sfinalizowania naszych transakcji. Szczerość i empatia wobec ludzi, którzy z nami współpracują, jest dla nas priorytetem.
Żeby nie było tak utopijnie, my też od Was czegoś wymagamy:

  • Przede wszystkim zaangażowania i samodyscypliny,
  • chęci do poszerzania swojej wiedzy oraz dążenia do realizacji celów,
  • umiejętność samodzielnej pracy oraz w zespole,
  • doświadczenia oraz skuteczności w sprzedaży,
  • orientacja na potrzeby klienta,
  • znajomość języka angielskiego będzie dodatkowym atutem.

Zaoferujemy Ci:

  • Konkurencyjną prowizję,
  • nowoczesne narzędzia marketingowe,
  • elastyczne godziny pracy,
  • pełne wdrożenie pod opieką doświadczonego pośrednika,
  • szkolenie z profesjonalnej fotografii nieruchomości.

Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany/a wyślij nam swoje CV na adres:

Nie zapomnij zamieścić w swoim CV klauzuli: 

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przekazanych w toku procesu rekrutacyjnego na cele tej i przyszłych rekrutacji, zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych).”

Agent Nieruchomości

Chciałbyś/chciałabyś pracować w Agencji Nieruchomości Concierge House, w miejscu pracy, w którym ludzie są wzajemnie życzliwi ? W miejscu, w którym pomoc drugiej osobie jest na porządku dziennym, a wyścig szczurów i ogromny nacisk na sprzedaż nie jest akceptowalne? Dbamy o dobre kontakty z klientami i przede wszystkim ich interes – wierzymy, że to jest jedyna droga do sukcesu oraz sfinalizowania naszych transakcji. Szczerość i empatia wobec ludzi, którzy z nami współpracują, jest dla nas priorytetem.
Żeby nie było tak utopijnie, my też od Was czegoś wymagamy:

  • Przede wszystkim zaangażowania i samodyscypliny,
  • chęci do poszerzania swojej wiedzy oraz dążenia do realizacji celów,
  • umiejętność samodzielnej pracy oraz w zespole,
  • doświadczenia oraz skuteczności w sprzedaży,
  • orientacja na potrzeby klienta,
  • znajomość języka angielskiego będzie dodatkowym atutem.

Zaoferujemy Ci:

  • Konkurencyjną prowizję,
  • nowoczesne narzędzia marketingowe,
  • elastyczne godziny pracy,
  • pełne wdrożenie pod opieką doświadczonego pośrednika,
  • szkolenie z profesjonalnej fotografii nieruchomości.

Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany/a wyślij nam swoje CV na adres:

Nie zapomnij zamieścić w swoim CV klauzuli: 

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przekazanych w toku procesu rekrutacyjnego na cele tej i przyszłych rekrutacji, zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych).”

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